Announce: FreeSBIE 2.0-RC1 is available

Matteo Riondato matteo at
Sun Nov 26 12:14:51 PST 2006


if you followed the development of FreeSBIE 2.0 a bit, you should
remember that, back in Semptember, I said that FreeSBIE 2.0 would have
been the last of a series of four ISO images. Three images were
already published: FreeSBIE GMV back in August, FreeSBIE LVC in
October, FreeSBIE 2.0-BETA in November.  Well, circustamces make
me release a fourth ISO image which is *not* FreeSBIE 2.0, but
FreeSBIE 2.0-RC1 (Release Candidate 1). This is due to the number of
bugs which had been fixed after 2.0-BETA was release. 
If no major bugs are found, FreeSBIE 2.0 is going to be released not
too long after FreeBSD 6.2-RELEASE has been released. Hopefully you
will be able to put a FreeSBIE 2.0 CD-ROM under your Christmas tree.

FreeSBIE 2.0-RC1 is based on the RELENG_6_2 branch of the FreeBSD
source tree and on the RELEASE_6_2_0 branch of the ports tree.

Testing the ISO image, finding bugs and reporting them back to me or
to the freesbie at mailing list are the foci for those who want
to give this ISO image a try, and I hope many of you will. There is
still a lot of free space on the ISO image, so feel free to suggest
additional software to include.

FreeSBIE 2.0-RC1 can be downloaded from our mirrors:

MD5 checksum for the ISO image is:
MD5 (FreeSBIE-2.0-RC1-20061123.iso) = 9dfced489f6fd083f10b14e23c25079

Thank you in advance for testing FreeSBIE 2.0-RC1

Best Regards
Matteo Riondato
FreeBSD Committer (
G.U.F.I. Staff Member (
FreeSBIE Developer (
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