Adding OpenBSD sudo to the FreeBSD base system?

Garrett Wollman wollman at
Thu Jul 21 16:37:53 GMT 2005

<<On Thu, 21 Jul 2005 12:36:16 -0400, asym <bsdlists at> said:

> Personally, I would like to see sudo not only in the base system, but in 
> the base system with a default configuration that mimics su(1) and thus 
> replaces it entirely.  The only difference is which password you need to 
> provide.  After a period for migration (or perhaps just in 6.x and noted in 
> the release notes), su could become just a symlink to sudo.

su(8) already has the behavior you want.  (Now implemented in a PAM
module, and I forget the precise details.)


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