packets with syn/fin vs pf_norm.c

Jesper Wallin jesper at
Sat Jul 2 22:06:50 GMT 2005


First of all, I know that not dropping SYN/FIN isn't really a big deal, it
just makes no sense. But since it doesn't make any sense, I don't see
the reason why not to discard them.

I'm running pf on FreeBSD 5.4-RELEASE-p3 and I scrub any traffic. I've
read some other posts on google and as far as I can tell, clearly invalid
packets (like packets with SYN/RST set) is discared while scrub simply
remove the FIN bit on packets with SYN/FIN.

Note, I have no knowledge about coding in C, so sorry if this is wrong.
I checked the source and this what I found:

        flags = th->th_flags;
        if (flags & TH_SYN) {
                /* Illegal packet */
                if (flags & TH_RST)
                        goto tcp_drop;

                if (flags & TH_FIN)
                        flags &= ~TH_FIN;
        } else {
                /* Illegal packet */
                if (!(flags & (TH_ACK|TH_RST)))
                        goto tcp_drop;

Wouldn't this code also check if I got TCP_DROP_SYNFIN set in my kernel
and/or if I got the sysctl option for that enabled? Also, what happens if I
run this little patch I 'wrote' (remember, I don't know C ;-D)

<               if (flags & TH_RST)
 >               if ((flags & TH_RST) || (flags & TH_FIN))
<               if (flags & TH_FIN)
<                       flags &= ~TH_FIN;

Sorry if I got all this wrong, I'm just curious how I can drop packets 
with the
SYN/FIN bit set and still use scrub in pf.. Also, if I apply the patch 
do I need to compile the kernel, world or both?

Best regards,
Jesper Wallin

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