Annoying ERROR: 'wlan0' is not a DHCP-enabled interface

Garrett Cooper yanegomi at
Mon Dec 26 09:02:38 UTC 2011

On Dec 26, 2011, at 12:43 AM, Doug Barton wrote:

> On 12/26/2011 00:40, Eygene Ryabinkin wrote:
>> Doug, how that can be a failure?
> How does anything fail? Isn't that why you call it a "failure" instead
> of a "success?"
> But if Gleb is right and the problem is new to HEAD, when did it change,
> and why?

226879        rea       if [ -z "${rc_force}" ] && ! dhcpif $ifn; then
226879        rea               err 1 "'$ifn' is not a DHCP-enabled interface"
226879        rea       fi

$ svn log -r 226879
r226879 | rea | 2011-10-27 23:03:38 -0700 (Thu, 27 Oct 2011) | 10 lines

Fix handling of rc_force in /etc/rc.d/dhclient

Variable 'rc_force' is accessible only at the time of rc_run_command,
so it can't be examined from the script's main code.

Spotted by:	hrs
Reviewed by:	hrs, des
Approved by:	des
MFC after:	2 weeks

It simply didn't exist before this change; before it was just a 'return 1', which is illegal outside of functions, amongst other things.

So I vote to just remove the message (convert the err 1 to a exit 1) and MFC back to 9.0… please, because this change is present there now.

We can argue about the semantics of rc_quiet later. Tons of people just care about the fact that the message is showing up and don't really care about the semantics.


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