clamd appears to hanging

David Banning dave at
Mon Jan 25 19:00:51 UTC 2021

thanks for that - it turns out that when I waited,  spamd -does- 
eventually start - I think it took 45 minutes - knowing that it was 
operating was only from sending the eicar virus to myself - it shows 
that it caught it in the maillog,  but no email cleaned version of the 
email arrived,  and there is no header in clean emails to show they have 
been checked - but it works.  That's the good news.  It would be helpful 
to have -something- that tells me that it is operating - even an 
occasional clean scan note in maillog would be great.

I'll keep an eye to see if it continues to take a long time to start at 
boot time - I may have to have it -not- start at boot, and start it 

On 2021-01-25 5:00 a.m., Doug Hardie wrote:
>> On 24 January 2021, at 08:09, David Banning <david+dated+1611936580.6d1518 at> wrote:
>> I just installed clamd on an older version of Freebsd. Freshclam appears to be working fine,  but clamd seems to hang, which prevents my server from booting.
>> I don't see anything in the log;
>> Any pointers towards getting this up and running would be helpful.
>> The Freebsd version and Clamd version are noted at the beginning of the log.
> Clamd may be waiting on freshclam.  However, it still takes clamd "forever" to load the virus database.  You have 2 options:
> 1.  If you connect to the machine via ssh, then edit /etc/rc.d/sshd and add FILESYSTEMS to the REQUIRE line.  That will cause sshd to become active before clamd tries to start up.  You will be able to poke around and see what is going on.
> 2.  If you use a directly connected terminal, then disable clamd and freshclam in /etc/rc.d.  Boot up and then start them up manually.  You do need to run freshclam first though.
> In any case, be prepared to wait a long time for clamd to start.
> -- Doug
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