script problem

Norman Gray norman.gray at
Wed Apr 21 22:16:18 UTC 2021

Antonio, hello.

On 21 Apr 2021, at 22:08, Antonio Olivares wrote:

> I have made changes from #!/bin/bash to #!/bin/sh and added some code
> so that the files and are skipped from being
> metaposted.  These files are not in texlive2021 for some reason or
> another and I do not know how to add them as easily if I were using
> miktex install on the fly option.

It looks like the m3D package [1], where those files from from, is a 
little old, and may not be compatible with the current version of mpost. 
  That may be why it's not readily available as part of a current 
TeXLive.  Certainly, when I try (just now) to build this book from the 
sources, and install m3D locally, the build of fails with an 
error which smells to me strongly of version-skew.

If I press on, I see that the source depends on a picins.sty package, 
which appears [2] to be a LaTeX 2.09 package (ie, _very_ old).

I suspect it would be challenging to build the book from its sources, 
using a half-way recent release of TeXLive.  It doesn't look impossible, 
but it might well involve some non-trivial hacking of the source, which 
it might be better to encourage the author to embark on.

Good luck!



Norman Gray  :
SUPA School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow, UK

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