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Thu May 28 19:01:45 UTC 2020

On Thu, 28 May 2020 14:16:38 -0400, Aryeh Friedman wrote:
> On Thu, May 28, 2020 at 1:35 PM Ralf Mardorf via freebsd-questions <
> freebsd-questions at> wrote:
> >
> > In Germany it's inappropriate to say "Mucke" instead of "Musik", but a
> > lot of people don't care and call it "Mucke". At least Dict mentions
> > "ugs." = "colloquial". For "coder" there's no such hint as "coll." or
> > "vulg." or something else.
> >
> An example of in experienced translation going from English to German (one
> of my close friends is German and allows me to try awful and clueless
> translations sometimes on them) is if railway is eisenbahn then why is
> (auto) high way not autoeisen.   Of course my understand of German is very
> limited and was quickly corrected with him explaining bahn meant "broad
> path" and eisen is iron and thus both terms made sense as being Xbahn not
> eisenX.

I like "Autoeisen" and I will definitely find a use for it,
thank you. And of course, highway != Hochbahn.

Consider: der Computer = der Rechner, but the calculator !=
the computer. And for compound nouns: It just doesn't work to
dissect them, translate piece by piece, put them together again
and expect something understandable; for this specific reason
there's Donaudampfschiffahrtsgesellschaftskapitänsmützenhaltenagel-
or just use Java. ;-)

> Saying coder instead of programmer (or developer) is the same kind of
> translation problem.

It's even more complicted: You have jargon - established words
that carry a specific meaning, and you have termini technici -
words that have become _the_ exact name for things. From the
jargon, there are certain deviations or or exaggerations (for
example "coder" - "code monkey"), whereas termini technici
are always used as is (for example: "DHCP", not "automatic
address retrieval" or "extern address assigning"). Words and
their meaning can change over time, but termini technici hardly
do so, they just become outdated, or only used in a specific
niche ("monitor (program)", "fixed-head storage"). It's hard
to tell if words like programmer, developer, coder, ninja and
rockstar belong to jargon, t. t., job title, job function, or
maybe there's just some current consensus as "the coder is the
person who types in code" without asking where the code comes
from - his own brain or copypasta.

Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...

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