Moving sources (base/ports) from /usr

Ede Wolf listac at
Wed May 20 11:17:18 UTC 2020

My bad. Very sorry. I totally forgot to mention, that root has changed 
it's login shell to /bin/sh. I do not use csh at all.

So /etc/profile is being read and the SOURCEDIR is a valid environmental 
variable, as can be seen from the first echo $SOURCEDIR.

It somehow does just not get handed down to mergemaster - unless 
exported again on the command line.

I'll have a more in depth read through the explanation of Polytropon and 
sh(1) and certainly will give that a go. Very likely mergemaster calls 
it's own /bin/sh and that would then require the .shrc.

Even though I still maintain, an export in [.]profile should be handed 
down to every subshell, unless overwritten. But I'm afraid, stubborness 
does not get me any further, unfortunately.

Tanks again, I'll report back.

> 	By default root login uses /bin/csh which doesn't load /etc/profile
> but rather /etc/csh.cshrc and /etc/csh.login.

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