Microsoft Teams for Linux

Jerry jerry at
Tue May 12 10:15:46 UTC 2020

On Tue, 12 May 2020 11:13:10 +0200, Maciej Suszko commented:
>On 5/8/20 3:23 PM, Tomasz CEDRO wrote:
>> I despise Microsoft.. but Google today switched my meetings from
>> Google Hangouts to google Meet.. and NOTHING works anymore on Firefox
>> / FreeBSD.
>> It worked fine on Hangouts. I can still see my camera and microphone
>> activity. I cannot see anyone video nor audio, they cannot see and
>> hear me.
>> I am sure this is the Brave New World of "change is good" so if
>> anything works we need to destroy it :-(
>> Never used and will not use MS Teams.. but I had to use Zoom once. On
>> Chrome recently camera stared working but audio is choppy and
>> disappears just as you describe with MS Teams. On Firefox it never
>> worked. I have old separate Android Nexus phone for this crap.
>> On the other hand if Hangouts and Open-Source JITSI Meet works fine
>> on both Frefox and Chrome on FreeBSD so where is the problem?
>> I feel like its early 90's not really 2020 :-(
>> Best regards,
>> Tomek  
>Few weeks ago I used Google Hangouts on Firefox on my FreeBSD desktop
>and everything worked out of the box, it's sad it's all moving towards
>one and only operating system. In the past it was a lot easier to run
>Linux stuff using linux compat layer, nowadays I feel it's impossible
>in most cases... Wine always had problems as far as I remember, so I
>bet on linuxulator :)
>Going back to Temas, which I need to use at work as it's our official
>communication platform - I can make it up to choppy sound in some
>situations but not working microphone is no go, I wonder what's the
>problem and how to debug that.

I assume by 'Temas' you mean 'Teams'. Is that correct? If so, have you
tried posting one of the MS Teams forums regarding this problem? I have
already made a request that has receive some support for a FreeBSD
specific version of Teams. The created one for at least Debian, so I
assume they could do the same for FreeBSD.

If you want, and can supply me with ALL the information,I would be
happy to make a report for you. I am on the 'Edge Dev' beta team,and
they LOVE to get info like this, especially edge cases like yours
appears to be.

By the way, I share your dislike of 'wine'. If I am going to go to the
trouble of running a pseudo OS environment, I might as well run the real
one and get all of the benefits. That is why I would suggest a VM, but
that is your choice.

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