Microsoft Teams for Linux

Tomasz CEDRO tomek at
Fri May 8 13:23:45 UTC 2020

I despise Microsoft.. but Google today switched my meetings from
Google Hangouts to google Meet.. and NOTHING works anymore on Firefox
/ FreeBSD.

It worked fine on Hangouts. I can still see my camera and microphone
activity. I cannot see anyone video nor audio, they cannot see and
hear me.

I am sure this is the Brave New World of "change is good" so if
anything works we need to destroy it :-(

Never used and will not use MS Teams.. but I had to use Zoom once. On
Chrome recently camera stared working but audio is choppy and
disappears just as you describe with MS Teams. On Firefox it never
worked. I have old separate Android Nexus phone for this crap.

On the other hand if Hangouts and Open-Source JITSI Meet works fine on
both Frefox and Chrome on FreeBSD so where is the problem?

I feel like its early 90's not really 2020 :-(

Best regards,


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