poudriere, bind and libxml2-dev

Doug McIntyre merlyn at geeks.org
Tue Mar 17 23:19:42 UTC 2020

On Mon, Mar 16, 2020 at 08:01:07PM +0100, Jacques Foucry via freebsd-questions wrote:
> I would like too use the statistics channel of bind.
> I use a poudriere in order to compile my own packages, as many of us.
> The bind doc is clear, named need both libxml2 And libxml2-dev:
> https://kb.isc.org/docs/aa-00769
> I try to remove all the options of bind in order to be sure to have libxml2-dev
> (poudriere option -r -p xxx dns/bind911 then poudriere option -p xxx
> dns/bin911), but no chance. libxml2-dev is not include.

libxml2-dev is a Linuxism. Typically on Linux the package without -dev includes
just the library object, while the -dev includes the headers needed to compile with it.

On FreeBSD, typically the packages (ie. textproc/libxml2) contains both.

According to Freshports, https://www.freshports.org/dns/bind914/

the BIND9.14 package (which is the one you _really_ ought to be using,
although it is the same for 9.11), builds with libxml2 automatically, no
extra configuration options required.

So, it should be ready to go for what you need out of the box? If you needed JSON,
you would need to configure that lib in with the options.

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