very slow - WCPU

ajtiM starikarp at
Wed Jun 17 23:45:04 UTC 2020


For whatever reason after few last updates I cannot use FreeCAD (WCPU
99,7%), Cura (3D printing) - WCPU time is good for cura-engine but
Python 3.7 is 100.22% and Blender stop working because "Error!
Unsupported graphics card or driver. A graphics card and driver with
support for OpenGL 3.3 or higher is required. The program will now

I do not run the applications at the same time.
GIMP and mpv player works without problems as before.

Thank you.

Ernst Lubitsch’s Ninotchka: 

“‘Waiter! A cup of coffee without cream, please!’ ‘I’m sorry, sir, we
have no cream, only milk, so can it be a coffee without milk?’” 

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