PPTP / L2TP VPN "dial ups"

The Doctor doctor at doctor.nl2k.ab.ca
Wed Jun 17 13:16:18 UTC 2020

All right has anyone been able to set up a
PPTP / L2TP dial up pool similar to openVPN using either Racoon2 or Strongswan
and pf ?

Here is what I have so far for my mpd5.conf file

#	MPD configuration file
# This file defines the configuration for mpd: what the
# bundles are, what the links are in those bundles, how
# the interface should be configured, various PPP parameters,
# etc. It contains commands just as you would type them
# in at the console. Lines without padding are labels. Lines
# starting with a "#" are comments.
# $Id: mpd.conf.sample,v 1.49 2015/06/02 08:30:35 dmitryluhtionov Exp $

	# configure mpd users
	set user admin LyndaX69 admin
	#set user foo1 bar1
	# configure the console
	set console self 5005
	set console open
	# configure the web server
	set web self 5006
	set web open

	load radius
	load l2tp_server
	load pptp_server

# Mpd as a PPTP server compatible with Microsoft Dial-Up Networking clients.
# Suppose you have a private Office LAN numbered and the
# machine running mpd is at, and also has an externally visible
# IP address of
# We want to allow a client to connect to from out on the Internet
# via PPTP.  We will assign that client the address and proxy-ARP
# for that address, so the virtual PPP link will be numbered local
# and remote.  From the client machine's perspective, it will
# appear as if it is actually on the network, even though in
# reality it is somewhere far away out on the Internet.
# Our DNS server is at and our NBNS (WINS server) is at
# If you don't have an NBNS server, leave that line out.

# Define dynamic IP address pool.
	set ippool add pool1

# Create clonable bundle template named B
	create bundle template B
	set iface enable proxy-arp
	set iface idle 1800
	set iface enable tcpmssfix
	set ipcp yes vjcomp
# Specify IP address pool for dynamic assigment.
	set ipcp ranges ippool pool1
	set ipcp dns
	#set ipcp nbns
# The five lines below enable Microsoft Point-to-Point encryption
# (MPPE) using the ng_mppc(8) netgraph node type.
	set bundle enable compression
	set ccp yes mppc
	set mppc yes e40
	set mppc yes e128
	set mppc yes stateless

# Create clonable link template named L
	create link template L pptp
# Set bundle template to use
	set link action bundle B
# Multilink adds some overhead, but gives full 1500 MTU.
	set link enable multilink
	set link yes acfcomp protocomp
	set link no pap chap eap
	set link enable pap
	set link enable chap
# We can use use RADIUS authentication/accounting by including
# another config section with label 'radius'.
	load radius
	set link keep-alive 10 60
# Enable utmp/wtmp logging
#        set auth enable system-acct
# We reducing link mtu to avoid GRE packet fragmentation.
	set link mtu 1460
# Configure PPTP
        set pptp self
# Allow to accept calls
        set link enable incoming

# Define dynamic IP address pool.
	set ippool add pool1
# Create clonable bundle template named B
	create bundle template B_l2tp
	set bundle enable compression
	set iface enable proxy-arp
	set iface enable tcpmssfix
	set ifce mtu 1280
	set ipcp yes vjcomp
# Specify IP address pool for dynamic assigment.
	set ipcp ranges ippool pool_l2tp
	set ipcp dns
# Create clonable link template named L
	create link template L_l2tp l2tp
	set link action bundle B_l2tp
	set link keep-alive 0 0
	set link yes acfcomp protocomp
	set link no pap chap eap
	set link enable pap
	set link enable chap
# Configure L2TP
        set l2tp self
        set l2tp disable dataseq
# Allow to accept calls
        set link enable incoming

# Mpd using PPTP for LAN to LAN VPN, always connected.
# Suppose you have a private Office LAN numbered and another
# remote private Office LAN numbered, and you wanted to route
# between these two private networks using a PPTP VPN over the Internet.
# You run mpd on dual-homed machines on either end. Say the local machine
# has internal address and externally visible address,
# and the remote machine has internal address and externally
# visible address
# Note: mpd does not support the peer's "inside" IP address being the same
# as its "outside" IP address. In the above example, this means that
# !=
# The "inside" IP addresses are configured by "set ipcp ranges ..."
# (in mpd.conf) while the "outside" IP addreses are configured by
# "set pptp self ..." and "set pptp peer ...".

	create bundle static B1
	set ipcp ranges
	set iface route
# Enable Microsoft Point-to-Point encryption (MPPE)
	set bundle enable compression
	set ccp yes mppc
	set mppc yes e40
	set mppc yes e128
	set bundle enable crypt-reqd
	set mppc yes stateless
	create link static L1 pptp
	set link action bundle B1
# Enable both sides to authenticat each other with CHAP
	set link no pap chap eap
	set link yes chap
	#set auth authname "VpnLogin"
	#set auth password "VpnPassword"
	set link mtu 1460
	set link keep-alive 10 75
	set link max-redial 0
# Configure PPTP and open link
	set pptp self
	set pptp peer
	set link enable incoming

# PPTP client: only outgoing calls, auto reconnect,
# ipcp-negotiated address, one-sided authentication,
# default route points on ISP's end

	create bundle static B1
	set bundle enable compression
	set ccp yes mppc
	set mppc no e40
	set mppc yes e128
	set mppc yes stateless
	set iface route default
	set ipcp ranges
# Enable network Address Translation (NAT)
# and forward tcp port 80 to the internal network machine with IP
	set iface enable nat
	set nat red-port tcp 80 80
	create link static L1 pptp
	set link action bundle B1
	set auth authname MyLogin
	set auth password MyPass
	set link max-redial 0
	set link mtu 1460
	set link keep-alive 20 75
	set pptp peer
	set pptp disable windowing

# Multihomed multilink PPPoE server

# Create clonable bundle template
	create bundle template B
# Set IP addresses. Peer address will be later replaced by RADIUS.
	set ipcp ranges

# Create link template with common info
	create link template common pppoe
# Enable multilink protocol
	set link enable multilink
# Set bundle template to use
	set link action bundle B
# Enable peer authentication
	set link disable chap pap eap
	set link enable pap
	load radius
	set pppoe service "superisp"

# Create templates for ifaces to listen using 'common' template and let them go
	create link template fxp0 common
	set link max-children 1000
	set pppoe iface fxp0
	set link enable incoming

	create link template fxp1 common
	set link max-children 500
	set pppoe iface fxp1
	set link enable incoming

# PPPoE client: only outgoing calls, auto reconnect,
# ipcp-negotiated address, one-sided authentication,
# default route points on ISP's end

	create bundle static B1
	set iface route default
	set ipcp ranges
	create link static L1 pppoe
	set link action bundle B1
	set auth authname MyLogin
	set auth password MyPass
	set link max-redial 0
	set link mtu 1460
	set link keep-alive 10 60
	set pppoe iface fxp0
	set pppoe service ""

# You can use radius.conf(5), its useful, because you can share the
# same config with userland-ppp and other apps.
	#set radius config /etc/radius.conf
	#set radius config /usr/gnurad/etc/raddb/config
# or specify the server directly here
	set radius server localhost Tone 1645 1646
	set radius retries 3
	set radius timeout 3
# send the given IP in the RAD_NAS_IP_ADDRESS attribute to the server.
	set radius me
# send accounting updates every 5 minutes
	set auth acct-update 300
# enable RADIUS, and fallback to mpd.secret, if RADIUS auth failed
	set auth enable radius-auth
# enable RADIUS accounting
	set auth enable radius-acct
# protect our requests with the message-authenticator
	set radius enable message-authentic

# This is a simple L2TP access concentrator which receives PPPoE calls
# and forwards them to LNS on

	create link template L1 pppoe
	set pppoe iface fxp0
	set link action forward L2
	set link enable incoming

	create link template L2 l2tp
	set l2tp peer

# This is more complicated L2TP access concentrator which receives PPPoE calls
# and if peer auth name includes @corp1.net forwards them to LNS on,
# if peer auth name includes @corp2.net forwards them to LNS on
# all other connections processes itself localy using internal auth and
# assigning dynamic IP from specified pool.

	set ippool add pool1

	create link template L1 pppoe
	set pppoe iface igb0
# We must ask authentication to get peer login
	set link no pap chap eap
	set link enable pap
	set link action forward L2 "@corp1\\.net$"
	set link action forward L3 "@corp2\\.net$"
	set link action bundle B1
	set link enable incoming

	create link template L2 l2tp
	set l2tp peer
	set l2tp secret corp1secret

	create link template L3 l2tp
	set l2tp peer
	set l2tp secret corp2secret

	create bundle template B1
	set ipcp ranges ippool pool1

Member - Liberal International This is doctor@@nl2k.ab.ca Ici doctor@@nl2k.ab.ca
Yahweh, Queen & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising!
nk.ca started 1 June 1995 . https://www.empire.kred/ROOTNK?t=94a1f39b  
Holding the church as Christ's head is not the act of a redeemed soul. -unknown

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