Optane Memory

Anatoli me at anatoli.ws
Wed Jun 10 03:16:41 UTC 2020

Why would you chose Intel? AMD EPYC 2 clearly is a better option
performance/price & energy wise.

We're evaluating to purchase right now these ones: [1] with Micron 9300
Pro & Max for storage.

Next month they start shipping a 2U version with 24 U.2 disks.

Note: these servers connect the disks at PCIe Gen4, not Gen3 as all
others, with 4 PCI lanes per each U.2 disk, i.e. 8GB/s (64Gbps) for each
disk. Right now there are not many PCIe-4 disks available, but next year
they should be a commodity.

On the other hand, how would you be using the Optane DDR? It looks like
it gets about 2M IOPS, when Micron 9300 gets 850K IOPS. At the same time
Micron costs $185/1Tb [2] and Optane DDR costs about $1850 [3], i.e.
exactly 10x more expensive for 2.5x of IOPS. Is it worth it? What are
your use-cases?

Also, I suggest you check this article: [4] about this product: [5].

[1] https://www.supermicro.com/en/Aplus/system/1U/1124/AS-1124US-TNRP.cfm
[2] https://www.amazon.com/Micron-15-36TB-Enterprise-Solid-State/dp/B07SK8GSYZ/
[3] https://www.ebay.com/itm/New-4-Pack-Intel-Optane-DC-Persistent-Memory-NMA1XBD256GQS-256GB-DCPMM-2666/274391818137
[4] https://seekingalpha.com/article/4315613-microns-x100-will-drop-like-bomb-on-intel-data-center
[5] https://www.micron.com/products/advanced-solutions/3d-xpoint-technology/x100

On 9/6/20 15:52, Donald Wilde wrote:
> On 6/9/20, Donald Wilde <dwilde1 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 6/8/20, Jerry <jerry at seibercom.net> wrote:
>>> I am seriously thinking about purchasing another PC to play around
>>> with. My question is does FreeBSD support Intel's Optane Memory?
> [snip]
>> I'd like to know this too. In-memory-space Optane should only be a
>> matter of supportin gthe timings of Optane and its write cycle, which
>> is much like FLASH. Another question would be about Optane-based
>> accelerator/caching boards that Intel has been selling.
>> I haven't worked for Intel for several years now, so I do not know if
>> these are still current products but it seems so from a cursory
>> search. The caching products alone should really speed up web and
>> network servers, so IMHO this is a must-have for FreeBSD.
> I will have reason to start buying rack-based servers for a large
> project within the next quarter and I can see directing those server
> purchases to Optane-equipped SuperMicros like
> https://www.storagereview.com/review/supermicro-superserver-with-intel-optane-dc-persistent-memory-first-look-review,
> although I'll almost certainly go for a higher-end unit than the one
> in this quoted review.
> We can use a couple of them as validation mules.

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