Optane Memory

Donald Wilde dwilde1 at gmail.com
Tue Jun 9 18:39:08 UTC 2020

On 6/8/20, Jerry <jerry at seibercom.net> wrote:
> I am seriously thinking about purchasing another PC to play around
> with. My question is does FreeBSD support Intel's Optane Memory? It
> seems like it needs an Intel driver to work, or at least it does on a
> Window's machine. I have only been looking into the potential speed
> increases and not all of the other technical details.
> I already purchased one PC recently that FreeBSD 12.x will not work on,
> <https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=237666>, and I don't
> want to be bit in the ass a second time.
I'd like to know this too. In-memory-space Optane should only be a
matter of supportin gthe timings of Optane and its write cycle, which
is much like FLASH. Another question would be about Optane-based
accelerator/caching boards that Intel has been selling.

I haven't worked for Intel for several years now, so I do not know if
these are still current products but it seems so from a cursory
search. The caching products alone should really speed up web and
network servers, so IMHO this is a must-have for FreeBSD.

Don Wilde
* What is the Internet of Things but a system *
* of systems including humans?                     *

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