questions about swap (partition and file)

Steve O'Hara-Smith steve at
Thu Feb 13 21:24:30 UTC 2020

On Thu, 13 Feb 2020 20:14:50 +0000
Ottavio Caruso via freebsd-questions <freebsd-questions at> wrote:

> I don't get the point of "fast drives".  Applications load in memory.
> If you want a fast system, stick more RAM (and this is also a memo to
> myself).

	A small(ish) SSD (say 120GB) is the cheapest boot drive you can get
these days (unless you go for second hand drives) and plenty big enough if
your bulk storage is coming from a NAS (mine is full of second hand SAS
drives) viz:

$ df -H /
Filesystem           Size    Used   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
tank/ROOT/default    111G     14G     97G    13%    /

	There's a swap partition on it (2GB) that sees very little
activity, with that much spare space and low write rate the wear
levelling should keep it going for decades.

	I'd have used a smaller one, but they were not significantly
cheaper, lacked TRIM and were much slower - by now smaller ones are
probably also hard to find.

Steve O'Hara-Smith <steve at>

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