Cannot identify process of listening port 600/tcp6

Mike Tancsa mike at
Tue Feb 19 16:26:04 UTC 2019

On 2/16/2019 12:43 PM, BBlister wrote:
> I have tried:
> # lsof -n -P | grep :600
> #
> --nothing
> # sockstat -a | grep :600
> ?        ?          ?     ?  tcp6   *:600                 *:*
> # netstat -an | grep 600
> tcp6       0      0 *.600                  *.*                    LISTEN
> Perhaps this is a kernel module, but which? Is this a strange rootkit? I did
> not reboot the machine, because I would like to locate the offending process
> first. This box runs nginx and rtorrent.

I see the same thing with rpc.lockd.

# ps -auxw | grep rpc
root       948    0.0  0.0 285572  6180  -  Is   Fri11       0:00.10
root       951    0.0  0.0  23448  6164  -  Ss   Fri11       0:00.11
root     40566    0.0  0.0  11264  2608  0  S+   10:54       0:00.00
grep rpc
# sockstat -vL | grep 929
?        ?          ?     ?  tcp4   *:929                 *:*
# kill 948
# sockstat -vL | grep 929
?        ?          ?     ?  tcp4   *:929                 *:*
# kill 951
# ps -auxw | grep rpc
root     40572    0.0  0.0 11264  2608  0  S+   10:54       0:00.00 grep rpc
# sockstat -vL | grep 929

I dont get why sockstat cant identify them ? Its a userland process, no ?


Mike Tancsa, tel +1 519 651 3400 x203
Sentex Communications, mike at
Providing Internet services since 1994
Cambridge, Ontario Canada   

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