A request for release engineering

Arthur Chance freebsd at qeng-ho.org
Fri May 11 07:12:04 UTC 2018

On 10/05/2018 19:15, Manish Jain wrote:
> Hi,
> I have no idea whether this is the right list to make this request to.
> But I could not find any other list that would definitely be better suited.
> I noticed when trying to build a port under my 10.3 box that support for
> 10.3 has now expired. I have no problems with that - I will install 12
> afresh when it becomes available later this year.
> But since installing afresh demands a whole effort, I request that
> FreeBSD reduce its new releases to one per year, while the support
> period is increased to 3 years per release.
> Does this sound like a good request to others too ?

The FreeBSD support model was announced over three years ago:


In particular

- Each new release from the stable/X branch deprecates the previous
  release on the branch, providing a three-month window within which
  consumers are urged to upgrade to the latest release.  During this
  three-month window, Security Advisories and Errata Notices will still
  be issued for the previous release, as necessary.

Why not simply update to 10.4?

An amusing coincidence: log2(58) = 5.858 (to 0.0003% accuracy).

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