freebsd or linux

Ralf Mardorf ralf.mardorf at
Mon Dec 10 22:11:48 UTC 2018

I've got the impression that the OP's main question isn't in the
original mail's body, it is in the subject "freebsd or linux". Those
operating systems have some things in common. For example, they share
that both allow to install another operating system on the same
machine, IOW it is possible to install both operating systems on one
computer and to experience the differences. An important differences
between FreeBSD and Linux might be, that Linux is provided by
distributions that follow different policies. For testing purpose the
OP should consider to install a so called Linux "major distribution"
( parallel to FreeBSD
and to spend some time with each install, to find out which one does
fit better to the OP's usage. Regarding operating system sectarianism
it could be important to know who is better, Beastie or Tux? You could
get in contact with them, by a portal such as
and discuss this first-hand with Beastie and Tux.

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