HTTP Error: Unacceptable TLS Certificate

φ Dhénin Jean-Jacques dhenin at
Tue Jul 25 18:58:01 UTC 2017

On Tue, Jul 25, 2017 at 8:47 PM, James B. Byrne via freebsd-questions <
freebsd-questions at> wrote:

> We run a private CA and our https services are secured with our own
> certificates. On my new desktop unit I am unable to connect to our
> webdav https service because of an 'unacceptable TLS certificate'.  I
> speculate that this is due to our root certificates not being in the
> trusted root certificate store on this machine.
> My question is: Where is the CA root certificate store configured for
> the desktop file browser?

Look that :

Now I use

Bonne soirée
(V)      Dhénin Jean-Jacques
( ..)     48, rue de la Justice 78300 Poissy
c(')(')  dhenin at

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