Inter-VLAN routing on CURRENT: any known issues?

O. Hartmann ohartmann at
Sun Jul 16 21:32:04 UTC 2017

Am Sun, 16 Jul 2017 23:14:41 +0200
Frank Steinborn <steinex at> schrieb:

> O. Hartmann <ohartmann at> wrote:
> > I have not have any success on this and I must ask now, to not make a fool out of my
> > self, whether the concept of having several vlan over one single NIC is possible with
> > FreeBSD (12-CURRENT, as of today, r321055.
> > 
> > Since it is even not possible to "route" from a non-tagged igb1 to a tagged vlan
> > igb1.2 or igb1.66 (for instance) on the same NIC, I have a faint suspect that I'm
> > doing something terribly wrong.
> > 
> > I think everyone working with vlan should have those problems, but since I can not
> > find anything on the list, I must do something wrong - my simple conclusion.
> > 
> > What is it?  
> Do you have enabled net.inet.ip.forwarding?

Of course I have. As I stated earlier, ICMP pings from on VLAN to another over this
router works, but any IP (UDP, TCP) is vanishing into thin air.

I don't have a FBSD-11-STABLE reference system at hand, so that I can check with another
revision/major release of the OS, but I work on that. 

O. Hartmann

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