FreeBSD 11.0 i386, XDM 1.1.11_6, XFCE 4.12_1 -- How to enable GUI shutdown and restart?

doug doug at
Sun Jan 1 19:01:41 UTC 2017

On Sun, 1 Jan 2017, doug at wrote:

> On Sat, 31 Dec 2016, Warren Block wrote:
>> On Sat, 31 Dec 2016, Bernt Hansson wrote:
>>> On 2016-12-31 21:21, David Christensen wrote:
>>>> On 12/31/16 10:55, Warren Block wrote:
>>>>> It is very difficult to follow a dozen separate questions inside a post.
>>>> Which demonstrates that Xfce on FreeBSD is program, not programming 
>>>> systems product.
>>>>> I think one of them was about shutdown/logout/restart.  This is from my
>>>>> xfce notes file.  Note that hal is not required for xfce at all, and I
>>>>> do not have it installed.
>>>>> shutdown/reboot/logout
>>>>>   as root, create
>>>>> /usr/local/etc/polkit-1/localauthority/50-local.d/org.freedesktop.consolekit.pkla
>>>>>   (this is needed)
>>>>>   [Restart]
>>>>>   Identity=unix-group:operator
>>>>>   Action=org.freedesktop.consolekit.system.restart
>>>>>   ResultAny=yes
>>>>>   ResultInactive=yes
>>>>>   ResultActive=yes
>>>>>   [Shutdown]
>>>>>   Identity=unix-group:operator
>>>>>   Action=org.freedesktop.consolekit.system.stop
>>>>>   ResultAny=yes
>>>>>   ResultInactive=yes
>>>>>   ResultActive=yes
>>> This is/was for HAL on freebsd. I've got it working in FreeBSD 5, 6, 7 
>>> something.
>> Pretty sure this is still needed for polkit. But I could be wrong. I was 
>> wrong that one time, but then it turned out that I was actually right, and 
>> was wrong about being wrong.
>>> Now there is devd instead of HAL. Which i know very little about.
>> devd is used, or can be used, for keyboard and mouse hotplug detection in 
>> X. But it doesn't do the other stuff that hald did.  Which shouldn't matter 
>> in this case, as xfce just used hal to detect hotplugged storage devices.
> I have what I assume is a really dump, and perhaps off the topic of this 
> thread question, so it only goes to the list. This is an immense amount of 
> structure and work to essentially get a wrapper for "shutdown -[r|p] now". So 
> what am I missing? I gave up on this around XFCE 4.6 (or so) because the 
> instructions did not work and hal (for me anyway) preformed much like its 
> namesake.

Sorry this obviously refers to use on a single user workstation or laptop.

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