passing -t to newsyslog

Adam Vande More amvandemore at
Wed Feb 22 03:19:43 UTC 2017

On Tue, Feb 21, 2017 at 8:36 PM, Chris Stankevitz <chris at>

> I want "-t" to be passed when newsyslog is run hourly... not when it is
> run once when the system boots for the purpose of creating log files.
> Per "man rc.conf":
> newsyslog_enable is used to run newsyslog one time at boot to create
> missing log files.  newsyslog_enable does not cause newsyslog to
> continuously run.
> Per /etc/crontab:
> newsyslog is run periodically via en entry in /etc/crontab.  newsyslog is
> called without any arguments.

There is no law preventing you from editing /etc/crontab.  I imagine that
bit of advice is there so the system's crontab isn't broken.

Setting correct locale may also fulfill your desires assuming LC_TIME is


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