apparent kernel segfaults and "failed to write core file" even after putting old kernel back

CeDeROM cederom at
Sat Oct 15 07:11:52 UTC 2016

On Sat, Oct 15, 2016 at 3:40 AM, David Benfell
<benfell at> wrote:
> I managed to get an original 10.3 release kernel on the VPS and tried
> booting it. I get the same result. It's been a few days, so I'm thinking
> if there was a hardware failure of the VPS, other users would have
> encountered it.

But exactly the same 10.3 worked for you well before? The same
configuration, modules, sysctl?

Try adding new machines (add new next to another to use different
memory/storage space) with the same configuration exactly the same as
previously worked fine (10.{2,3}-RELEASE?), so you can track whether
this is a hardware or software problem.. mayabe you got into a
corrupted memory/storage region or something changed since
10.3-RELEASE that breaks VM compatibility..

Good luck! :-)


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