moving podriere to new SSD

Matthias Apitz guru at
Sun May 22 17:48:52 UTC 2016

El día Sunday, May 22, 2016 a las 10:52:42AM -0500, Brandon J. Wandersee escribió:

> Oh, I suppose moving the system to the SSD would depend on the
> motherboard actually being able to boot from that "cartridge" you
> mentioned. I shouldn't presume too much, sorry.

I do not know if it would boot from; but now (after inserting the SSD)
some kind of RAID manager always asks me on pw on "Hit Ctrl-I to enter RAID
manager". Once I did, and it gives this screen:
but ofc, I do not want to create a RAID of my two disks :-)

Matthias Apitz, ✉ guru at, ⌂  ☎ +49-176-38902045
"Die Verkaufsschlager des Buchmarkts geben Auskunft über den Zustand einer Gesellschaft bzw.
sind, was diese Zeiten angeht, Gradmesser fortschreitenden Schwachsinns. ..." (jW 19.05.2016)

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