Span in the lists

Christoph Egger christoph at
Fri Mar 4 11:26:58 UTC 2016

Carmel <carmel_ny at> writes:
> This is all because some asshole feels it an inconvenience to have to
> register for the list. I did an experiment a year or so ago to see
> how long it takes to sign-up, receive the confirmation email and
> activate the account. It took only three minutes, and I was drinking
> coffee at the time so I was not rushing. Three minutes is too much time
> for these lazy jerks to spend, so we all must suffer. Thankfully, most
> email forums are populated by more highly motivated and security minded
> individuals, so this sort of problem does not occur.

For everyone just asking a quick question:
+ Finding the unregister link again
+ unregistering
+ deleting all the unwanted mail

Also every time you use the wrong from: address:
+ notice you used the worng address
+ find the already sent mail address
+ find out which address actually is registered
+ modify from address
+ resend mail



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