Bad experience switching to SSD on FreeBSD 10.3

Martin S. Weber Ephaeton at
Sat Jun 25 09:24:04 UTC 2016

On 2016-06-25 09:08:46, Manish Jain wrote:
> (...)
> I found a doc which says the keyboard can be used with linux with this 
> script :
> #!/bin/bash
#! /bin/sh

> FLAGS=$(xset -q | awk 'NR==2' | awk '{ print $10 }')
..                           ^ { print $10 }
> if [ "$FLAGS" = 00000000 ]; then
> 	xset led on
> else
> 	xset led off
> fi
> Would this kind of script work on FreeBSD too ?

Sure, it does. No need for /bin/bash or the double awk invocation. xset led
toggles my numlock status led, you'll have to test with your hardware (you've
received instructions on how to unlock your console after enabling the LED
with your hardware switch already anyways..), but I'd expect this to work.


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