advice for buying a laptop

Christian Baer christian.baer at
Wed Jun 8 17:38:54 UTC 2016

Hash: SHA512

Hey guy and gals! :-)

For most of my life I have lived quite happily without a mobile computer
(as in a laptop). I do own an 8" Android tablet which to me is more like
a phone than anything else. It's not really good for writing longer text

The future has it in for me in that I will traveling a fair bit among
other things for my sports club. Because I need a computer on these
trips I intend to buy a laptop within the next 6 weeks or so.

It may be that I am strange, but I actually like the older T-Series by
IBM or Lenovo much more than most newer machines. They have great
keyboards and the machines themselves are hard to break. They are just
built well. There is a store near where I live where they sell
refurbished Laptops and they have a whole bunch of T520s there - which
is exactly the model I am currently looking at. Since I am buying this
with my own money, I don't mind spending a little less. :-)

I don't care about gaming performance. That's not what I need it for.
Most of my work will include writing (probably 80% TeX, lots of emails,
some letters). There will be some work done specifically for my sports
club (which requires special Windows software) - and yes, I will try to
get it to run with wine. :-) There will be some Firefoxing and some
video watching while I am on the train. This is the basic usage profile.

I will be running a dual-boot system with Windows (hopefully 7) and I
also want to run FreeBSD. This is where you guys come in. Laptops often
contain evil hardware which will not work too well with Linux, BSD and
the like because of missing or broken drivers. Will this be a concern
with the T520? Even if the work I do would be possible in theory, I do
not plan on working through a frame buffer!

Here is some info about the laptop:

Do you think that this machine will work well with FreeBSD on it? Is
there some other machine I should take a look at? While looking around,
I noticed the T520 and liked it (because I have used it before), but I
don't know every model out there and thus I am open to suggestions.

Thanks for your input and advice!

Best regards,

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