Fortran compiler

jd1008 jd1008 at
Sun Jan 17 17:38:51 UTC 2016

On 01/17/2016 06:04 AM, Matthew Seaman wrote:
> On 16/01/2016 22:15, john.haraden--- via freebsd-questions wrote:
>> When will the base system ship with a fortran compiler?  GCC is
>> cumbersome and requires special linking commands to form an
>> executable file from compiled object files.  Why not resurrect the
>> old f77?
> It is unlikely that the base system will ever re-import a Fortran
> compiler.  Fortran is not required to build the base system, nor is it a
> POSIX requirement, so like all other languages in that class -- many of
> which are of significantly greater popularity than Fortran nowadays --
> you'll simply have to install it from ports.
Well, one can also argue that there are tons of packages on FreeBSD
that have nothing to do with building or maintaining the base system,
but are desired by users, and are included.
My suspicion is that if there is one person who has raised his/her voice
for including something, then there are possibly many
silent people who will not make their wishes known online, who would
like the inclusion of that package.

> GCC's command line for linking objects into an executable can be
> complicated, but that's not significantly different compared to c or c++
> programs and not significantly different when compiling using the LLVM
> toolchain.  Much of that complexity only occurs when linking against
> large external bodies of code, like QT or Gnome.
> 	Cheers,
> 	Matthew

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