3- You have made error ...#### dd if=FreeBSD-11-RELEASE-amd64-memstick.img of=/dev/sdb1 bs=1M conv=sync

swjatoslaw gerus milstar2 at eml.cc
Sat Dec 31 18:35:57 UTC 2016

1.bsd orig text
To burn the image using dd, insert the USB stick and determine its
device name. 
performed from author    with  fdisk -l   ... sdb1

2.bsd orig text
dd if=FreeBSD-10.2-RELEASE-amd64-memstick.img of=/dev/da0 bs=1M

multiple attempts with   FreeBSD -11.0   /dev/sdb1      bs=1M  ... 
System( 16.04.1 64 bit  ubuntu)    -invalid argument

bsd forum      suggest       not  1M but   1048576

Suggest is true 
 it is downloaded  ,can see after mounting with  more, not with ls -lsar 
poweroff plugin   sandisk, notebook blocked black terminal

3.  bsd forum suggest from multiplies authors      -11  

  Suggest is false      
 True  FreeBSD -11.0

4.  bsd  forum suggest  not   /dev/sdb1   as  in fdisk -l  but  /dev/sdb

 Suggest is true 

in combination with  11.0 ,/dev/sdb, bs=1048576    can not  only
but after poweroff,plugin,poweron  
correct starten loader

ls -lsar not work


1.  cd  /     
2. mkdir  /mnt    
3. cd  /mnt
4. mount -f pcfs  /dev/sdb1   /mnt  (solaris writing )
5.ls -lsar  /mnt  ... root . root ..   nothing
6. more  /dev/sdb1    -Yes  can see file with more
7. cd /
8. ls -lsar /mnt    -as in p 5

 But that is not important ,as loader work -

 Will read freebsd about partioning and try perform next step

  Wish good mood


  swjatoslaw  gerus
  milstar2 at eml.cc

On Sat, Dec 31, 2016, at 06:09 PM, Warren Block wrote:
> On Sat, 31 Dec 2016, swjatoslaw gerus wrote:
> No idea on this

> > 4 attempt 11.0 bs=1048576  sdb  dd succes can not see with ls -lsar

> > poweroff
> > plug in
> > poweron
> > loader started asked about auto/manual  partion
> Not sure how this would matter.  When earlier steps are done wrong, 
> later steps are not expected to work.

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