ssl certificate

John Levine johnl at
Mon Dec 19 14:04:23 UTC 2016

>>I am wondering if there are any free ssl providers? I know there were
>>once some, but thought they went under. I am wanting something free,
>>but has a broad browser base, Ios, Android, Kindle, windows etc
>>browsers and connection software Es File explorer, filezilla etc.

You want Let's Encrypt.  They don't charge for their certs, and their
CA is widely accepted.  A recept paper says they're now the #3 CA
by number of active certs.

There are a bunch of different open source clients for LE.  I use
a cute little shell script called for the web and mail certs 
on my fbsd system.  The certs have to be renewed every 3 months so
you definitely want to set it up so it can renew automatically.


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