Stupid question regarding ZFS and `df -h` output

Dean E. Weimer dweimer at
Sun Apr 10 12:58:42 UTC 2016

On 2016-04-10 7:00 am, Aleksander Alekseev wrote:
> Hello
> I installed FreeBSD using steps like "Next -> Next -> ZFS -> use entire
> disk and don't bother me with stupid questions -> Next"
> I have 128 Gb hard drive:
> ada0 at ahcich0 bus 0 scbus0 target 0 lun 0
> ada0: Serial Number 82GS10GGT2GY
> ada0: 600.000MB/s transfers (SATA 3.x, UDMA6, PIO 8192bytes)
> ada0: Command Queueing enabled
> ada0: 122104MB (250069680 512 byte sectors)
> And here is `df -h` output:
> Filesystem            Size    Used   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
> zroot/ROOT/default     95G     21G     74G    22%    /
> devfs                 1.0K    1.0K      0B   100%    /dev
> zroot/tmp              75G    153M     74G     0%    /tmp
> zroot/usr/home         89G     15G     74G    17%    /usr/home
> zroot/usr/ports        75G    859M     74G     1%    /usr/ports
> zroot/usr/src          76G    1.2G     74G     2%    /usr/src
> zroot/var/audit        74G     96K     74G     0%    /var/audit
> zroot/var/crash        75G    930M     74G     1%    /var/crash
> zroot/var/log          74G    360K     74G     0%    /var/log
> zroot/var/mail         74G    188K     74G     0%    /var/mail
> zroot/var/tmp          74G    136K     74G     0%    /var/tmp
> zroot                  74G     96K     74G     0%    /zroot
> How exactly should I read this to get result "all 128 GB are used"?

What is the output of "gpart show" as well as "zpool status" I am 
guessing that part of the disk is used for swap outside of zfs. gpart 
show will list the gpart partitions that were created and zpool status 
will show the devices that the zfs is created on giving a better picture 
as to why you are only seeing 95G instead of the 128.

    Dean E. Weimer

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