Xorg problems

scrat baho-utot at columbus.rr.com
Sat Mar 7 21:34:03 UTC 2015

On 03/07/15 15:25, Polytropon wrote:
> On Sat, 7 Mar 2015 10:04:09 -0800, Waitman Gobble wrote:
>> The 1501 is a $50 laptop from 2006? i dont know that nvidia is the right
>> driver, I think it has ATI before AMD bought it. This would have been
>> around the time FreeBSD 7.0 was HEAD i think?
> In that case, it's highly questionable if Xorg autodetection
> magic will work here. Maybe "Xorg -configure" and manually
> post-configuring xorg.conf is the way to go. Of course you
> have to verify _which_ graphics is installed: Maybe it's
> ATI, maybe Intel. Then you have to install the corresponsing
> driver. In worst case, try the VESA driver, but don't expect
> any 3D stuff working flawlessly with that.

The vesa driver works as I can log out of Xfce4 and it goes to the 
terminal correctly, also I can use Ctrl+Alt+Fn to goto terminals while 
in Xfce4.

So this appears to be a problem with  xf86-video-ati-7.5.0_1.  How can I 
debug this further?

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