Script question

Olivier Nicole olivier.nicole at
Sat Jun 13 00:18:54 UTC 2015


> I would like to be able to scan the daily maillog with a script at midnight to extract a list by selecting spam recognized and contained using the constant "score=(greater than x) and from that a list of just the IPs which will be placed in a spam file as part of a spam system here. Am tired of some getting past spamass even though it exceeds a reasonable tag level.
> I do know how to extract just the IP from a line in the log, but not sure what the syntax should be to first ID the "score=<x" in a simple sh shell script.

What would be the typical lines from the log?

I;d use Perl rather than sh.


> I hope this has been presented clear enough to gather some help on this task.
> Thanks,
> Jason
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