Best console hardware monitor pkg?

Quartz quartz at
Sat Jul 4 17:38:33 UTC 2015

> It would probably have made more sense to call the combined
> package simply mbmon, with a "make configure" step if you
> wanted it with X support - which means that the list of
> runtime dependencies would grow. The "x" in "xmobon" package
> naming therefore is a bit confusing, as it refers to the
> option of X support, not a default X support...

Hmm.... ok, well I guess as long as it's deliberate it's probably ok.

> To expand a bit, mbmon & healthd seem to agree on (chipset ?) temp, as
> distinct from amdtemp. However both only report for 2 CPU's (cores ?),
> while amdtemp reports (wrongly, IMHO) for all 4 (in my case) .... If
> healthd &/or mbmon would report (accurately) for all 4 cores, I'd love
> them more :-) ....

Maybe mbmon and healthd are confused about hyperthreading and think you 
only have two real cores? That's the only thing I can think of.

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