Problems accessing a Linux NFS share as a normal user

Martin greencoppermine at
Tue Oct 7 03:16:09 UTC 2014

I am at the brink of pulling my hair out on this one.

I have a Debian Linux box server that is sharing some directories on LAN using NFS.

The /etc/export:

/pub1/ foobox(crossmnt,rw,async,no_subtree_check)

I can, as a normal user, on any Linux box on the LAN mount this directory and because it is shared as "rw" I can both read and write.

However, I also need to mount this on a FreeBSD box as a normal user, not root.

The directory is setup on the FreeBSD box in fstab:

share:/pub1 /home/user/mnt/share/pub1 nfs noauto,rw 0 0

The user is in group "wheel" and "network", however he cannot mount whether he is using fstab or not. The 'nfs_client_enable="YES"' is in rc.conf too.

$ mount mnt/share/pub1
mount: mnt/share/pub1: unknown special file or file system

Trying full path:

$ mount /home/user/mnt/share/pub1
[tcp] share:/pub1: Permission denied

Trying without fstab:

$ mount -t nfs share:/pub1 mnt/share/pub1
[tcp] share:/pub1: Permission denied

$ mount -t nfs share:/pub1 /home/user/mnt/share/pub1
[tcp] share:/pub1: Permission denied

I can mount and write without problems as root.

How do I solve this?

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