Adding more swap for FreeBSD 10

Warren Block wblock at
Mon Dec 29 17:45:57 UTC 2014

On Mon, 29 Dec 2014, Odhiambo Washington wrote:

> My FreeBSD system is crashing so much for lack of swap.
> I used BSD labels instead of GPT and I had it a little rough creating my
> slices and this resulted in me not creating the swap partition.
> Now, if I run 'bsdinstall partedit', I see that it is possible to create a
> partition of 5.8GB at the end of my disks. However, the gui from bsdinstall
> wouldn't let me commit my changes on the already live disks.
> Is there a command line way of achieving the above with bsdinstall without
> destroying a disk?
> I am hoping that there is something like 'bsdinstall scriptedpart .....'

Use gpart(8) rather than bsdinstall.  With MBR and bsdlabel, everything 
is more difficult than with GPT, but it still can be done.  Please show 
the output of 'gpart show'.

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