Adding more swap for FreeBSD 10

Odhiambo Washington odhiambo at
Mon Dec 29 16:48:46 UTC 2014

My FreeBSD system is crashing so much for lack of swap.

I used BSD labels instead of GPT and I had it a little rough creating my
slices and this resulted in me not creating the swap partition.

Now, if I run 'bsdinstall partedit', I see that it is possible to create a
partition of 5.8GB at the end of my disks. However, the gui from bsdinstall
wouldn't let me commit my changes on the already live disks.

Is there a command line way of achieving the above with bsdinstall without
destroying a disk?

I am hoping that there is something like 'bsdinstall scriptedpart .....'

Best regards,
"I can't hear you -- I'm using the scrambler."

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