Do I want to switch to the new pkg(8) format?

Chris Stankevitz chrisstankevitz at
Fri Dec 26 22:57:47 UTC 2014

On Fri, Dec 26, 2014 at 9:59 AM, Warren Block <wblock at> wrote:
> No, both binary packages and ports require pkg now.  It is the only
> supported package management tool, and installing ports *is* installing
> packages.


Thank you for your replies.  I appreciate how careful you are being
with your language.  Keeping in mind that my FreeBSD vocabulary is not
up-to-snuff, can you explain how these two statements can both be
simultaneously true:

"pkg is the only supported package management tool (and installing
ports *is* installing packages)" -Warren Block

"portmaster is the recommended tool for upgrading installed ports"
-Handbook section

If both statement are indeed true, then I must conclude:

1. Upgrading ports is not a "package management" operation.

2. There are many different "operations" you can do with ports and packages.

3. Each "operation" might use a different tool.  Sometimes pkg,
portmaster, portsnap, make, cvs, pkg_, portsclean, portupgrade, etc.

Thank you again,


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