Perl rename utility assistance

Jungle Boogie jungleboogie0 at
Tue Dec 16 18:35:15 UTC 2014

Hello All,

I figure I would try my luck here with this question. Usually I go to 
stackoverflow for these things so pardon the noise if you're not accustom to 
seeing letters like this.

Objective: remove an underscore from a filename using rename[0].
Example: 8213_freebsd_is_cool_Nov_2014.pdf

I only want to remove the underscore (_) between the 3 and f to make it:
8213 freebsd_is_cool_Nov_2014.pdf
8213 _freebsd_is_cool_Nov_2014.pdf

rename '-sr/^([:digit:]_) /^[:digit:] /g' *
rename '-s/^[:digit:]_/^[:digit:] /g' *
rename '-sr/^[:digit:]_/^[:digit:] /g' *

Doesn't return any errors but the files don't get updated either.

man page:
  	rename -s/^[A-Z].*file/nofile/r *
The target substring starts with a capital letter, and ends with
string 'file'. There are 0 or any numbers of characters between
the capital letter and 'file'. The substring, if encountered in
filenames, will be replaced with 'nofile'.

How is this supposed to actually work?

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