KGpg unable to detect "gpg-agent"

Matt Smith fbsd at
Fri Dec 12 14:11:42 UTC 2014

On Dec 12 08:47, Jerry wrote:
>Fri, 12 Dec 2014 08:44:48 -0500
>When attempting to use KGpg, I receive this error message:
>The use of GnuPG Agent is enabled in GnuPG's configuration file (/home/gerard/.gnupg/gpg.conf).
>However, the agent does not seem to be running. This could result in problems with signing/decryption.
>Please disable GnuPG Agent from KGpg settings, or fix the agent.
>The agent is running:
>gerard     37899  0.0  0.1   45412   3248  -  Ss   Sun08AM    0:06.36 gpg-agent
>What is the problem? I tried rebooting without success.

I had a similar problem with the mutt email client since the upgrade 
from 2.0.x to 2.1.x where it couldn't see that gpg-agent was running. I 
fixed this by adding a new environment variable in my .bashrc startup:

export GPG_AGENT_INFO="$HOME/.gnupg/S.gpg-agent"

This may help as it looks like a similar issue.


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