Virtualbox questions ....

Paul Kraus paul at
Thu Aug 28 16:20:31 UTC 2014

On Aug 28, 2014, at 11:43, William A. Mahaffey III <wam at> wrote:

> I just pkg-installed virtualbox-ose  virtualbox-ose-additions virtualbox-ose-kmod & whatever they wanted as dependencies. I followed most of the directions at, until I got down to the part about changing permissions for |/dev/vboxnetctl .... there is no such animal on my box (FBSD 9.3 64-bit, new install) .... I skipped down to launch virtualbox, which failed as root because of no display set, but worked as regular user (I am su'ed into root from regular user, not console logged in, that may be the problem) .... Is anyone using VBox under FBSD 9.3 (w/ desktop, XFCE or other) to run Win7 VM's ? Any advice/gotchas/wisdom/etc. :-) ? TIA ….|

I am using VirtualBox under 9.x.

You only need to change permissions if you are running VMs as users *other* than root. All of my systems are servers and run the VMs as root, so I have not had to change any permissions.

If you are going to run the GUI, you need to give it access to your display. I generally log in as root (most of the time via VNC) and the GUI works fine.

I am running a combination of Windows Server 2008R2, FreeBSD 9.x, FreeBSD 10.0, OpenSuse 12.x without any issues. I do have a problem on certain hardware running OpenSuSE 13.x (and other Linux distributions based on the came kernel), they hang on boot and I have not been able to track it down. I only run Linux when I need to, so the vast majority of my Unix-like VMs are FreeBSD.

Paul Kraus
paul at

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