USB in Windows7 guest

Leslie Jensen leslie at
Wed Jan 9 12:38:10 UTC 2013


I posted this on the freebsd-virtualization list but got no answers so 
now I hope that someone here can shed the light for me.

I have a Windows7 guest OS in Virtualbox on a FreeBSD 9.1-RELEASE system.

I've followed the instructions in the handbook for enabling USB-support 
in Virtualbox.

In the machines settings I've ticked for activation of USB controller 
but not for USB2 because it needs an extension pack that's not available 
for freebsd if I've understood it right.

I have an Epson V500 scanner that is recognized as an unknown device by 
the host OS.

ugen7.2: <EPSON> at usbus7
Unknown USB device: vendor 0x04b8 product 0x0130 bus uhub7

I cannot get it to appear in the guest OS.

Is it possible and if so what do I need to do in order to make it visible?



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