dhcpd static binding problem

Maciej Milewski milu at dat.pl
Tue Dec 3 15:02:09 UTC 2013

On 03.12.2013 15:32, Frank Leonhardt wrote:
> I wasn't! It was a typo and it was cut/pasted so subsequent entries,
> so thanks for spotting it as it's been driving me crazy.
> Next questions (assuming it now works):
> How come WINDOWXP-PC did get the address Very weird.
Maybe that's windows fallback address, if you had earlier range up to
199 and windows got 194? Maybe after reconfiguration dhcpd wasn't
restared? I have no more ideas.
> How come dhcpd didn't complain; even when I ran it with the -t option
> to check the config file, and the -d option to explain exactly what it
> was doing. Of course I didn't want to assign 192.16*9*.1.229, but I
> can't see why it didn't just do what I asked OR complain it was
> illegal? Just silently ignoring it wasn't very helpful.
> Regards, Frank.
I admit that's silence isn't helpful but have no idea if there is other
option. That's one of the services set-and-forget :)

Maciej Milewski

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