jail.conf ignoring exec.fib?

Arthur Chance freebsd at qeng-ho.org
Tue Aug 20 07:27:27 UTC 2013

On 19/08/2013 21:02, Karl Pielorz wrote:
> --On 17 August 2013 17:32:18 +0100 Arthur Chance <freebsd at qeng-ho.org>
> wrote:
>> What do you get in the jail from
>> sysctl net.fibs
>> sysctl net.my_fibnum
>> ?
> I didn't know those sysctl's existed :)

I only stumbled on them by doing

	sysctl -a | grep fib

It's often surprising what you find that way.

 > If I fire up the jail, and jexec
> to it, and run the above - I get:
> "
> root at jail:/ # sysctl net.fibs
> net.fibs: 4
> root at jail:/ # sysctl net.my_fibnum
> net.my_fibnum: 0
> "
> (I have 'ROUTETABLES=4' in the Kernel, so the 4 above is correct).
> That's for a jail which has:
> "
> jail {
>      jid = 100;
>      exec.fib = "1";
>   ...
> "
> In /etc/jail.conf
> So, on the surface it looks like 'exec.fib' is being ignored :( I tried
> it without quotes as well, to no avail.

In the source the exec.fib parameter is given as an integer, so the 
quotes probably shouldn't be there, but I'm not sure whether it matters. 
There's definitely a setfib call in the source that's done if exec.fib 
exists. All I can think of right now is that you try firing up the jail 
using the -v verbose flag. This should show everything the jail command 
does as the jail is created.

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