How to create a partition for FreeBSD 9.0?

Warren Block wblock at
Tue Nov 27 16:05:48 UTC 2012

On Tue, 27 Nov 2012, Ralf Mardorf wrote:

> All instructions failed. Is there a way to mount a linux partition or
> USB-stick and to redirect the output of the gpart commands to a log
> file?
> In linux after mounting a partition or usb-stick I would do it like
> that:
> spinymouse at q:~$ echo "$ ls -l" >> logfile
> spinymouse at q:~$ ls -l >> logfile

Too much work.  Use script(1):
$ script /tmp/session.log
$ (do a bunch of stuff)
$ exit

And session.log will contain everything.  Including control characters, 
so edit it before posting.

> So how can I mount e.g. an USB stick?

This is in the Handbook somewhere, but a quick look didn't find it, so:

# mount -t msdosfs /dev/da0s1 /mnt

That assumes there is a FAT filesystem in the first partition of the 
memory stick, a common setup.  Please don't use NTFS.

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