Advanced Format Drive ?

Ronald F. Guilmette rfg at
Thu Nov 15 22:59:23 UTC 2012


In the EXAMPLES section of the gpart(8) man page, they do this:

     /sbin/gpart bootcode -b /boot/pmbr ad0

In your document however, you first create an explicit (special) partition
named "gpboot" and then you do this instead:

    gpart bootcode -b /boot/pmbr -p /boot/gptboot -i 1 da0

Who is "right" in this case?

I did the former, and did not get any error.

The gpart(8) man page says:

     "... First, a protective MBR is embedded into the first disk sector from
     the /boot/pmbr image..."

however it appears to me that the steps in your tutorial are effectively
installing a copy of the /boot/pmbr file into block #40 of the disk.  Yes?
But isn't a copy of /boot/pmbr really supposed to end up in the first 512
bytes of the disk, i.e. block #0 ?

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