Dual Boot Windows 7 FreeBSd 8.3

from_mars rpnwork at yandex.ru
Sun May 27 07:25:23 UTC 2012


Sorry for my english.

I have a dual boot system, windows 7 64-bit (ada1) and FreeBSD 9.0 amd64 
GEOM (ada0).
I did it by installing FreeBSD boot0 on Windows HDD:

     boot0cfg -B ada1

then I choose Windows HDD as first boot drive in BIOS. Now at boot i 
have boot0 menu:

     F1 - Win
     F5 - Drive 1

     F6 ........ don't remember

where Win is booting Windows 7, and F5 booting FreeBSD.
My Windows HDD divided on to partitions, so i have to use 'boot0cfg -m 
some_mask' to delete second Windows partition from boot0 menu.

Everything works fine.

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