doom, quake, hexen...

Walter Hurry walterhurry at
Mon Aug 20 16:38:40 UTC 2012

On Mon, 20 Aug 2012 21:24:32 +0700, Victor Sudakov wrote:

> Colleagues,
> Please advise if there are any 3D shooters in the ports collection which
> work out of the box on 9.0-STABLE (amd64)? None of those I have tried
> work for a number of irritating reasons, like e.g.
> games/uhexen:
> games/doom:
> games/quake2lnx even pretends to do something: it opens a tiny X11
> window with some flickering rubbish and plays some farting sounds to the
> audio system.
> Is there any working 3D shooter in the ports collection my 8 year old
> son could enjoy?

prboom works flawlessly on my FreeBSD9 laptop.

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